Measuring the gas compositions of gas flows at carbon capture plants
The background to the initiation of this research project is the need for carbon capture plants to know the composition of gas flows, in particular before and after the capture of CO₂. It is necessary to better understand how the gas composition can be measured to the degree needed, including constituents in the gas which have not been measured so far in the cement industry.
The reasons for this measuring are manifold. They include potential corrosion in the flue gas ducts, the degradation of amine solutions, potential emissions from amine scrubbers, the gas composition for fur-ther compression, and also specification for the processing, transport, utilisation and storage of CO₂.The test methods currently available today (sampling and analysing) are still insufficient, and it is also not quite clear which components are relevant and to which level they need to be detected. Fur-thermore, with respect to potential emissions into the atmosphere, a new area of gas constituents needs to be examined.